Trezor® Suite®

The Trezor Suite is an integrated platform that facilitates secure and efficient management of digital assets across web, desktop and mobile applications, with support for a wide …

Trezor Suite is an official desktop application developed by Trezor for managing your cryptocurrency assets. Here are the key features and steps to get started with Trezor Suite:

Key Features

  • Buy, sell, send, and receive coins in the most secure crypto ecosystem

  • Track your portfolio and manage your digital assets

  • Tor integration to make it more difficult to trace your internet activity

  • Manual coin selection for enhanced privacy when sending funds

  • Taproot support for improved bitcoin safety, privacy, and network efficiency

Getting Started with Trezor Suite

  1. Unbox and connect your Trezor device to your computer using the provided USB cable

  2. Download and install the Trezor Suite desktop application from the official Trezor website

  3. Create a new wallet or access an existing one

  4. Set up a PIN code for your Trezor device

  5. Authenticate your Trezor by entering your PIN and/or Passphrase

  6. Manage your cryptocurrency holdings through the Trezor Suite application

Additional Tips

  • Use the settings menu to configure and personalize basic application and device settings

  • The Trezor Suite Lite mobile app allows you to securely monitor your crypto balances and access receiving addresses on the go

  • Be cautious when using the mobile app, as it is a watch-only wallet and cannot send transactions

By following these steps and utilizing the features of Trezor Suite, you can securely manage your cryptocurrency assets in a user-friendly and intuitive environment.

Last updated